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2024: The Year of Volatility


In Insights Posted

By Matt J. Lauer, CEO, Qorvis

More than 20 years of Qorvis’ experience has taught us that foresight is valuable in times of stability—and priceless in times of volatility. As the year gets underway, we expect 2024 to be a year characterized by considerable flux. Navigating this uncertainty requires vigilance and proactive measures in three critical areas: political risk, security risk, and economic risk.

  1. Political Risk

This year, the political climate in major economies such as the United States and the United Kingdom is poised on a knife-edge due to pivotal elections. Societies stand at a crossroads: will they endorse leaders who advocate global engagement, or retreat into more insular, nationalistic postures?

The decisions made at the voting booths will have far-reaching implications for international cooperation and resource allocation. Corporations and sovereigns must engage in open dialogue with policymakers to anticipate and adapt to these shifts. Qorvis stands ready to facilitate these crucial conversations, leveraging our in-depth understanding of policy landscapes to prepare our clients for any eventuality.

  1. Security Risk

The echo of October 7th’s conflict in the Middle East is a stark reminder of the fragility of global cooperation. As the West’s tensions with Iran simmer and the Ukraine-Russia conflict continues, the need for precise, on-the-ground intelligence has never been more acute. Misinformation can be as destabilizing as physical threats, with the power to sway markets and impact bottom lines. Qorvis’ global network provides real-time insights and strategic counsel to insulate our clients from turbulence.

  1. Economic Risks

The economic resilience displayed by technocrats and financial institutions since 2020 has been remarkable. Yet, the undercurrents of volatility have not dissipated. As workplace cultures evolve, AI technology disrupts industries, and exceptional market conditions prevail, could 2024 be the tipping point that dramatically alters conditions for the everyday citizen?

Understanding these trends is not optional—it’s critical. Qorvis offers access to comprehensive data, enabling our clients to interpret and influence these economic currents.

What companies need to do to prepare for 2024 volatility

In 2024, decision-makers must prepare for the unpredictable. Here’s how:

  • Engage with policy influencers to stay ahead of political swings.
  • Utilize on-the-ground insights to navigate security complexities.
  • Leverage data to understand and influence economic trajectories.

Qorvis is uniquely positioned to help interest groups, corporations, and foreign sovereigns build robust structures to shield against the year’s challenges. Our expertise is in understanding the landscape and shaping it to secure your interests.

Now more than ever, it is time to withstand and thrive amid uncertainty.  Our experience has taught us that those who seize upon times of volatility and build the proper systems succeed in the long term and achieve their objectives.

Matt J. Lauer is Chief Executive Officer of Qorvis.